Presidents Report 25 October 2023

PRESIDENT’S REPORT delivered at the Annual General Meeting 25th October 2023

Being president for the 4556 Chamber is an absolute honour and privilege. Getting to know the diverse range of businesses and the amazing business owners and their teams from across the region is just amazing. 

We are so blessed to have a chamber that has such a unique, innovative outlook to community, creating spaces such as welcome events, concierge, free membership, and close connections to influential leaders and politicians across the region.

The 4556 post code area should be honoured to have the diverse committee it currently has and excited to welcome new people joining. The committee has vast networks and knowledge that members can tap into. As an example, Justin Lippiatt and I are part of the vision for businesses and the region over the next decade in the lead up to the 2032 Brisbane Olympic & Paralympic Games. 

I am personally excited to share on behalf of the committee and the community that across 2023 we have had 11 coffee mornings and supported and showcased 11 businesses in our part of the Sunshine Coast. 

We have had three Welcome events with another one coming up on November 15. A very big thank you to Harcourts Community for the use of their community space and to Brent Mickelberg MP for Buderim for sponsoring the Welcome events.

Across 2023 into 2024, the 4556 Chamber has secured sponsorship from five companies that are fully aligned to our community outlook. 

Thank you again to Lauren Biggs photography, Buderim Auto Service, Harlequin Blinds & Security, Whites IGA Forest Glen and the Buderim Tavern. We thank you for all of your support. We look forward to continuing to build a strong alliance between your business and the chamber.

We also have participated in the Thriving Through Change business expo initiated by Sunshine Coast Council and DESBT. We have been very active on a regional level engaging with key stakeholder groups as well as our counterparts across the region for the benefit of our members.

Over the past year, we embarked on a new Squarespace website using a local 4556 chamber member to carry this out.  If you haven’t seen the new website please go online to Thank you in particular to Leanne and Keeta from our committee for all of your work and help on this project.

Also, I’m super excited to announce that since the last AGM we’ve had a 47% increase in membership and more importantly, approximately 47% increase in engagement across all members. 

Since October 18 2022, which was the date of the last AGM, we’ve had a 60.2% increase in our Facebook page reach, I can’t give you the exact increase from Instagram but I’m hoping it’s around the same. 

This year the 4556 chamber celebrates 10 years and I want to especially thank Jenny Collett who has been on our executive for the entire 10 years and is now coming into her 11th year.  This year we are super excited to say we’re going to have an amazing surprise event. Something never been seen before in Buderim, so keep 1 December free. 

Also keep 31st of January 2024 free for the first major event of the year putting AI under the microscope.  We have a panel of three very knowledgeable AI users to unpack a rich conversation about the adoption of AI to benefit business. This event is going to happen right here at the Buderim Tavern and is one to not miss! 


Chamber Business Champions


Partnership with Westfund Health Insurance